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10th International Automobile Congress IARC

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Country: Switzerland
City: Basel

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note_add 23/02/2010
update 23/02/2010
remove_red_eye 3690
assignmentContact Details
Address: Basel
Wijnand Dalmijn
+31( 0)341 - 430665

Event Description - 10th International Automobile Congress IARC

March 3-5, 2010 

On behalf of the International Steering Committee I welcome you to the 10th International Automobile Congress IARC in Basel.

A connection to the recycling world in general is the Basel Convention. The Basel Convention - the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal - entered into force on May 5, 1992 after being signed by 51 states. There has been a lot of debate which is still going on about the definitions regarding recovery, recycling and re-use. Although the convention declares that illegal hazardous waste traffic is criminal, it contains no real enforcement. Exporting waste in a general sense is still going on a large scale to third world countries to avoid high disposal costs

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