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Alloys AB3

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note_add 22/12/2008
update 22/12/2008
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Offer Description - Alloys AB3

ProclucCt ode: AB3 (Aluminiumts ronze)

Elememt Cu AI Fe


Gompositio (% n l 78. 00- 81. 00 10. 00- 11 . 50 3. 00- 6. 00 3. OO- 5. 50



C955OOA, S TMB 148, o r EBALLO9Y5 5

AB3 is a copper- baseadll oyc ontailrinAgl umlnlurnN, ickel, a nd

lron, w hichs ervet o maket ypicacl astingsv eryh ard, s tronga nd

durable. T frea lloyl s partlcularlrye slstantto corrosiona nda brasion,

not prodet o oxirlationa, n dh esa veryh ight herrnacl onductivity.

An especialulys efual t t r ibuteo f AB3i s thatl t canb e easi ly'a r rnouwr eldad'

duet o its conrlratibiliwtyi th ColrrronoyM. eclranicapfr opertieosf AB3 ars
Tensi les t rength = , , , 90 kg/ sq. mrn.

Elongatloonr i 50 mm . = 12o/ o

Hardnesass cast = 1B 8O0- 2l00 Br inel l

Thermacl onductlvitayt 20 C = O, 1Oc aUsq. cm/ cm/ sec/ , C .

Typicalu s'es AB3 is particularlys uitablef or use as machinep arts which are requirod

to withstands tronga brasiona nd/ orc orrosion. lt is especiallys uited for

mould parts - suclr as blow moulds and bottom plates - for glass

containermsa nufacturinwgh, i chB rss ubjectetdo contlnouslo, ngt
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