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BISCON SR QST reinforcement bars comes from the house of Jaiswal Group of Industries the biggest

BISCON SR QST reinforcement bars comes from the house of Jaiswal Group of Industries the biggest player in the Iron and Steel Industry in the entire North East Region of India with the only Automatic Cooling Bed Plant. The Jaiswal Group produces an array of products ranging from billets, wire coils, rods angle manufacturing units, steel tubes, rectangular bars, black wires, annealed wires, rods, coils of any gauge and thickness and world class quality of QST bars. The reinforcement bars made from QST process, which is a fully automated process, was first introduced by TEGUM Technologies licenced by HSE Germany. Rebars made with TEGUM technology has the high elongation as demanded by the civil engineering sector for high seismic areas typical elongation values that you may expect are 17% of more for all Yeild Strengthgrades of rebars. QUALITY CONTROLA Spectrometer is an optical instrument used in spectroscopic analysis to identify materials. When steel is viewed through the instrument it is broken into its exact components. Every piece of steel manufactured by the Jaiswal Group undergoes acute scrutiny of Spectrometers which are essentially instrumental in controlling the quality of steel. SAFETY FEATURES OF QST BARSEarthquake resistantBISCON QST bars provide very high strength , higher elongation, better ductility and weld ability as compared to other bars, because we strictly follow bend & re bend tests as per Indian 1786 standards. BISCON re- bars have better weld ability as it is produced with Carbon content less than 0. 25% which makes it suitable for secured welding process. Thus helping in making high strength connections with other sections with little overlap thus making it highly earthquake resistant. Heat resistantIn CTD Bars there is a considerable amount of loss of strength at high temperature. But, according to test results, BISCON QST bars show no loss of strength up to 500 deg. C. The yield strength increases by only 20 / N Sq mm in the temperature range of 550- 600 deg. C. Corrosion resistantThe crusted layer of CTD bars scales down while twisting thus making it prone to rust and corrosion. But in QST bars, the surface layer do not gall down while twisting and other construction mechanisms; rather it forms a protective layer and prevents corrosion and rust. CERTIFICATIONCompanies under the Jaiswal Group satisfy the necessary standards set up under Quenching & Self tempering (WST) process for manufacture of Steel Bars. Owing to quenching process the high cost alloying elements VANADIUM and NIOBIUM are replaced by water, in order to obtain low cost C Mn Steel, thus making an affinity towards maximum market coverage and producing steel of high mechanical properties and good weld ability, ductility and bend ability. BISCON is certified under BIS, DGS & D, CPWD, MES, NF- Railways, ONGC & other public sector undertakings. WHAT IS QST ?QST stands for Quenching & Self tempering, a process far superior than the conventional system of manufacturing steel bars. QST bars prove better quality with uniform strength throughout the length. SPECIFICATION OF BISCON QST BARADVANTAGES OF BISCON QST BARS# BISCON QST bars save steel upto 14 19% # Reduces costs of the consumer# Reduction in the transportation cost# Structures built with BISCON QST bars have an edge over the structures built with ordinary bars# BISCON QST bars are easy to use and work friendly owing to its excellent ductility and bend ability# BISCON QST bars are better rust and corrosion resistant# Its better weld ability and high inductivity makes structures earthquake and heat resistant. COMPARISON OF CTD BARDS WITH BISCON QST BARSPropertiesCTD BarsBiscon QST Bars

StrengthHigh (normally upto Grade Fe- 415) Very high as grades of Fe- 550 are easily available

ElongationAs per IS: 1786 / 85Very high in all grades and over achieves requirement in there cent amendment to IS : 1786 the elongation for earthquake resistance

Weld abilityPreferably avoided as welded joints are weakBetter and no loss strength

FormabilityBend 3D 5D Rebend 5D 8DExcellent due to uniform elongation. Bend 1D, re bend 4D

Ductility & Fatigue StrengthHighVery high. Mostly suited for earthquake resistance structures

Fire HazardsLoss of strength on temperature riseNegligible loss in strength 500 C

Corrosion ResistanceScales fall down during cold twistingBetter corrosion resistance

Work abilityEasy working at sitePre welded meshes can be used.
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