When having questions on Buying Electrolytic Aluminium Ingots A7, please send your inquury!
We act as intermediary for a Chinese electronics manufacturer who wishes to enter a long-term contract to import ELECTROLYTIC ALUMINIUM INGOTS A7 into China.
The 12-month contract is for 10,000MT (following a trial of 2,000MT) per month, CIF to a designated port in China.
IDEALLY, the price in SCO/FCO should be based on LME less best possible discount. Otherwise, a price per ton, please.
Payment by irrevocable non-transferable SBLC at port of loading only.
Buyer's side intermediaries seek a commission to be included in the price and payable by the seller.
The buyer's serious and ready to sign a contract.
We have the buyer's LOI on file and will forward it to any serious, capable seller.