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Offer Description - cast alloys
Wieland- G22
Wieland- G22Lead bronze Extruded/ drawn productsChemical composition* Material designationCu 77. 5% EN CuSn7Pb15- C- GCZn 15% CC496KPb 7% UNS C93800Sn 1. 20% DIN* GC- CuPb15Sn, 2. 1182. 04BS* LB1* Former national standardsPhysical properties* Fabrication properties Corrosion resistanceElectrical conductivity FormingMS/ m 7 Machinability 90% % IACS 12Thermal Capacity for beingconductivity W/ (m*K) 59 cold worked not possibleCapacity for beingThermal expansion hot worked not possiblecoefficient (0- 300?C) 10 - 6/ K 18. 8 Heat treatmentDensity g/ cm? 9. 2 Lower melting point 905 ?CStress relieving 400- 600 ?C, 2- 6 hModulus of GPa 82elasticity* Reference values at room temperature1 GPa = 1 kN/ mm ?1 MS/ m = 1 m/ " mm ?Product standardsCast alloys EN 1982Mechanical properties (values can be achieved and are a function of size and form) Reference valuesRm [MPa]Rp0. 2 [MPa]A10 [% ]HB (CuZn39Pb3 = 100 % ) * Reference values in % by weight2601601575Wieland- G22 is the standard alloyamong cast copper- lead- tin alloys thathas excellent emergency runningproperties and is largely insensitive toedge pressure. It is used for mainspindles in machine tools, as for thisapplication no surface hardened spindlesare employed. It is widely used in textilemachinery and pump construction. Especially in pump construction, Wieland- G22 is suitable for "water lubrication". Cast alloys belong to the mostcorrosion- resistant copper alloys. They exhibit excellent resistance toatmospheric influences, carbonic acidand saline water. Also important istheir resistance to seawater and theirinsensitivity to stress corrosioncracking. Forms and sizes availableBrief designation NumberG22 CuSn7Pb15- C- GC CC496K from to from from* from to18 165 9 10 165All values in mm Wall thickness min. 4 mm , with an outside diameter >50 mm : 9 % of the outside diameter. Wieland- Werke AG89070 UlmGermanyTelephone: (07 31) 944 - 0Telefax: (07 31) 944 - 28 . deThis leaflet is for your general information only and is not subject to revision. No claims can be derived from it unlessthere is evidence of intent or gross negligence. The data given are no warranty that the product is of a specifiedquality and they cannot replace expert advice or the customer's own tests. 0705 ZMT/ WiWieland - G22WielandWallthicknessInsidediameterOutsidediameterEN designationRound tubesMaterialRound and polygonal rodsSectional tubesDiameter / width across flatsSections on request