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Copper Ingots Supplier 99,999% Cu

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Country: Kazakhstan
City: Aktobe

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note_add 06/07/2020
update 06/07/2020
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Offer Description - Copper Ingots Supplier 99,999% Cu

1.Product: Copper powder ultrafine (PMU) and copper ingots of high purity 99.999%.

2. Chemical composition: according to the Certificates issued at the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation GIREDMET OJSC and the Certificates of Conformity of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. Packing: PMU - a general paper box, the powder is packaged in 2 kilograms in special PET cans.Ingots of 5 and 1 kg each.packed in paper boxes of 25.30 and 50 kilograms.

4.Quantity: Party.                           PMU 99.999%                            Copper bullion 99.999% 

We sell 1000 kilos at least and up to 2 000 000 kilos per month.

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