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Emery Grain

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Country: Greece
City: Naxos

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note_add 28/04/2010
update 28/04/2010
remove_red_eye 1014
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Offer Description - Emery Grain

Our emery grains (grits) can be, fine or super fine. We have grain numbers from 0 - 300 up to (upon request_ 2500 microns which

Naxos Corundum - A. Augerinos was established in 1994 in Naxos Island, Greece. Naxos Corundum is the main producer and exporter of emery grain in Greece and throughout the world.

Theonly natural emery mine reserves in the world that extract firstquality emery are found in Greece, more specifically on the island ofNaxos where our headquarters are situated. Emeryis a fully antistatic material 9, 5 moils, specific weight 4 was usedin the bulkhead, approved by the American Bureau of Shipping (anti rustmaterial) . 100% antislippery material.

We can provide you with best quaity emery grains which is produced onlyin Greece, and more specifically in Naxos of any granulometry inreasonable prices. If you are looking for a supplier of emery grainsplease kindly contact us.
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