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Offer Description - G. I. WIRE
Place of Origin: Delhi India Brand Name: TMA
G. I. WIREThese are Mild Steel Galvanized Wires used for generalengineering purpose. APPLICATION : Used in manufacturing Wire netting, Wire mesh, Fencing, Barbing, Agriculture, Irrigation, Prevention of soil erosion, as wellas other general applications. SIZE RANGE : Min. 0. 90 mm Max. 5. 00 mm : IS : 280 Soft and Hard categories Light / Medium / Heavycoated galvanized as per IS : 4826 BS : 1052 With galvanizing as per BS : 443, as well as otherinternational standards. COIL : SIZE ( mm ) WEIGHT (KGS. ) COIL ID ( mm ) COIL OD ( mm )
1. 40 1. 6040 100440480570650
1. 60 to 2. 0050 100480570650720
2. 00 & above100 250520560670720
PACKING : The weight and coil specification can be adjustedto meet specific customer requirement. The wires are normally supplied in bare condition. However, packing with Polythene & Hessiancan be provided if desired by the customer. We specialize in supplying G. I. Wires to customers actualneed.