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note_add 31/01/2010
update 31/01/2010
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Offer Description - galvanized iron

DESCRIPTIONBoysen Roofgard is a gloss acrylic, water- based roof paint designed to protect and adhere to galvanized surfaces.

DESCRIPTIONBoysen Roofgard is a gloss acrylic, water- based roof paint designed to protect and adhere to galvanized surfaces. It gives a durable and flexible film, fast- drying time and good gloss retention. PRINCIPAL USESFor galvanized iron surfaces, pre- painted galvanized sheet and unglazed tiles. PRACTICAL COVERAGE25- 30 square meter / 4 liters / coat SURFACE DRYThirty (30) minutes DRY THROUGHTwo (2) hours DRY FILM THICKNESS1. 5 mils/ coat OVERCOATING INTERVALTwo (2) hours THINNINGMaximum 1/ 2 liter water per 4 liters paint APPLICATIONby brush, roller or spray. Clean equipment with soap and water after use PACKAGING4- liter and 16- liter cans AVAILABLE COLORSB2501 Laguna White B2520 Samar Beige B2540 Pacific Blue B2550 Baguio Green B2560 Orient Gold B2570 Spanish Red B2573 Terra Cotta COLORANTSUse Boysen Latex Colors for tinting to achieve pastel shades. To obtain darker colors, intermix standard colors or request for a factory mix color. SURFACE PREPARATIONFor unpainted galvanized iron sheets, etch the surface by applying 10% Boysen Metal Etching Solution #71 (dilute 1 part of B- 71 to 9 parts water) . Wipe the surface with rag soaked in Boysen Paint Thinner #0340 to remove grease. Rinse with water and let dry. For prepainted galvanized iron sheets, scuff sand surface using sandpaper and wipe the surface with clean rag before applying paint. Spot prime if necessary. For corroded G. I. surface, remove rust by wire brushing and use Boysen Metal Etching Solution #71. Let it stay for 10- 15 minutes. Be sure to wash off surface thoroughly with water or paint thinner and let dry. Apply primer a few hours after application of B- 71 and before rust sets in. For new unglazed rooftiles, treat surface with Boysen Masonry Neutralizer #44. Let stand overnight and rinse. PAINTING SCHEDULEPrimer forGalvanized Iron Sheets Boysen Red Oxide #310, Boysen Zinc Chromate Primer Yellow #320, or Boysen Primeguard #4310 Unglazed tilesBoysen Acrytex Primer #1705 TopcoatBoysen Roofgard (2- 3 coats; any desired color) RepaintingFor G. I. sheets with paint in good condition, clean surface of dirt and dust by washing and apply two coats of Boysen Roofgard.
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