When having questions on INTEGRATED TITANIUM MILL PRODUCTS (TIMET) Jet Engines TIMET is the worlds largest manufacturer of premiumquality billet a, please send your inquury!
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Offer Description - INTEGRATED TITANIUM MILL PRODUCTS (TIMET) Jet Engines TIMET is the worlds largest manufacturer of premiumquality billet a
Our fan blade plate is used in the newest technology jet engines, where wide chord fan blades increase efficiency while reducing
Our fan blade plate is used in the newest technology jet engines, where wide chord fan blades increase efficiency while reducing noise. We are the only source of both flat and proprietary taper rolled fan blade plate. In addition, our castings joint venture with Wyman- Gordon manufactures large, complex parts that eliminate costly fabrication, reduce assembly time and meet dimensional tolerance reliability and repeatability criteria a key in jet engine assembly. Airframes TIMET is also a large supplier to the airframe structural market. Innovative alloys such as TIMETAL 10- 2- 3 and TIMETAL 21S replace steel and nickel alloys in Boeing 777 landing gear and nacelle applications, respectively. These substitutions enable airframe manufacturers to save weight and improve aircraft efficiency. Aircraft quality plate and sheet are hot rolled from forged slab. To achieve critical plate flatness, TIMET developed vacuum creep flattening now widely used throughout the industry. Superplastic forming/ diffusion bonding has led to increased use of titanium alloy sheet in new airframe designs. Aircraft quality strip, in co mm ercially pure grades and beta alloys such as TIMETAL 15- 3 and TIMETAL 21S, is produced in coil form on our dedicated Sendzimir cold rolling mill. Continuous vacuum annealing assures extremely low hydrogen content. Coils are available up to 48" wide and 10, 000 pounds in weight and can be slit to custom width and cut to custom length. www. timet. c
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Related Offers - INTEGRATED TITANIUM MILL PRODUCTS (TIMET) Jet Engines TIMET is the worlds largest manufacturer of premiumquality billet a