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Iron-Aluminum soft magnetic alloys

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Country: China (Mainland)
City: hangzhou

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note_add 03/01/2010
update 03/01/2010
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Offer Description - Iron-Aluminum soft magnetic alloys

Place of Origin: China (Mainland) Shape: customed


Iron- Aluminum soft magnetic alloys FeAl6, FeAl12, FeAl13, FeAl16 1J6, 1J12, 1J13, 1J16

Fe- Al alloys contain 6% to 16% aluminum , the rest elements is the iron. The alloys have high resistivity, lower density and higher hardness of soft magnetic alloy. This family of alloy is suitable for the special environment (such as nuclear radiation, shock, acceleration, etc. ) , and resistance to corrosion and oxidation resistance are better than those of nickel- iron & soft magnetic alloys, and silicon steel. Thus, in the fields of aviation, space flight, navigation, and other civilian and military industries, Fe- Al alloys have accessed to a broad industrial application.

The four Grade of Fe- Al alloy we produce is 1J16?1J13?1J12?1J6.

With high permeability and low coercive force, 1J16 alloy is appropriate to use under the condition of wea mannetic field.

With high saturation magnetostriction coefficient, 1J16 alloy is appropriate to produce ultrasonic device.

With high permeability and high magnetic induction, 1J12 alloy is appropriate to work under the condition of mid- magnetic field.

With high saturation magnetic induction, 1J6 alloy is appropriate to work under the condition of strong magnetic field.

The resistivity of Fe- Al alloys are increased by the increasing of the content of Al. , however, the saturation magnetic induction is decreased by the increasing of the Al. . Compared with Fe- Ni alloys, the magntic propertise of Fe- Al alloys are much lower than Fe- Ni alloys.
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