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Country: Turkey
City: Kocaeli

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note_add 17/05/2010
update 17/05/2010
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Offer Description - Iron & Steel

Tezcan Galvanize is the 3rd largest galvanised steel producer in Turkey. We have established our fir

Tezcan Galvanize is the 3rd largest galvanised steel producer in Turkey. We have established our first galvanizing line in 1983. The second line has started at the end of 1999 with the latest technology and being first of its kind in Turkey. After some time the first mill has been stopped and we went on our production with the second line. This new line has an annual capacity of 350. 000 mtons and produces between 0. 25 and 2. 00 mm thickness. The maximum width is 1600 mm . The value of our investments is about USD 120- 130 million for the time being and will go up to about USD 300- 320 million when all our planned investments will be concluded. We are a leading company in our sector as holding about 80% of the co mm ercial quality market. In accordance with the market conditions we are also exporting the 30% of our products to about 47 different countries all over the world. We are one of the first five fast growing companies in Turkey and we believe that with more integration there will be a considerable increase in our competitiveness as we will be the only plant producing cold rolled steel, which is our raw material, and galvanizing, painting and forming it. Below you will find Detail s about our products. Please do not hesitate contacting us for any further information. HRP (Hot Rolled Pickled) Sheets CR (Cold Rolled) Coils CR (Cold Rolled) Sheets Galvanized steel coils Galvanized steel sheets Galvanized / prepainted trapezoidal sheets Galvanized / prepainted corrugated sheets Galvanized / prepainted sinusoidal sheets Galvanized / prepainted strip Galvanized stucco embossed sheets Galvanized and painted stucco embossed sheets Galvanized and painted ridge Galvanized reinforcement profiles
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