When having questions on Isotopen copper powder 99,999%, please send your inquury!
Sell Isotopen Copper Powder, purity 99,999%messured by IGAS- Germany and other institut: with ICP/MS and ICP/CES,  the chemical purity based on the determined impurities :
Mg, AI, Ti, Cr, Fe, Zn, Mo, Cd, Sb, Â is 99,999%
The isotopie composition is that of natural copper
  63                    65    Cu69,1% +/_0,05%  and   Cu 30,9% +/_0,05%
Material NOT RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPEN Copper Powder, stored in Germany. Seller agrees to issue new scientific certificate price ( 60 000 Euro ) debited from purchase price Copper Powder 9292 kg ; direct to mandat