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Looking for 500 kg of copper powder

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Country: Chile
City: Santiago

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note_add 10/08/2020
update 10/08/2020
remove_red_eye 700
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Offer Description - Looking for 500 kg of copper powder

We are interested in 500 Kg of copper powder. Please inform us the value of the product placed in IGAS Goslar, type of certification that the product has, Isotope type, Morphology of the product etc.

Customer Reviews (3)
Copper powder in stock
Hello, I read your comment. You need copper powder. How can we meat each other?
ultrafine copper powder superfine 99.999%
I represent Owner of large qty of 99.999 ultra fine copper powder properly stocked and we can easily supply the quantity requested . The powder is stocked and available for inspections in Zurich Switzerland. All legal documents about the product and ownership are available .
Cooper powder
Are still looking for 500 kg Cooper powder?

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