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Magnesio- Dolomite

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note_add 18/12/2009
update 18/12/2009
remove_red_eye 591
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Offer Description - Magnesio- Dolomite

we are pleased to introduce to you Dolomite R & D

For the past years, we have been supplying our Dolomite in theglassindustry. Recently, we have upgraded the machinery in ordertoincrease production output. We are now supply our Raw Dolomite intothelocal agriculture industry.

Uses For Dolomite:

The inherentdifferences between dolomite and calcite drive theapplications fordolomite. Dolomite is chosen for many construction andbuilding productapplications due to its increased hardness anddensity. Asphalt andconcrete applications prefer dolomite as a fillerfor its higherstrength and hardness. Dolomite also finds use in anumber ofapplications as a source of magnesium such as glass andceramicsmanufacture, as well as a sintering agent in iron orepelletization andas a flux agent in steel making. Farmers use dolomitefor agriculturalpH control. The chemical industry uses the mineraldolomite in makingmagnesium salts including magnesia, magnesium oxide (MgO) , which is usedin pharmaceuticals.
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