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Offer Description - Manganese Powder
Secondary Or Not: Is Secondary
Manganese Oxide
Manganese oxide is used in mirconutrition and verternary products. It is a dark brown odourless powder and are mostly used as feed additives and fertilizers. Our manganese oxide is properly packed in hdpe bags with liner so that its purity and efficacy is maintained till the very end. Formula MnO Apperance Fine, free flowing powder without any lumps Colour Dark Brown Odour Odourless Moisture NMT 1% Bulk density 1. 28 - 1. 36 g/ ml Sieve analysis 100 % should pass through 150 micron Purity (MnO) NLT 77. 50% Mn content NLT 60 - 60. 6% MnO2 Should be less than 3% of Total Mn Content Arsenic NMT 0. 01% Lead NMT 0. 01% Aluminum NMT 2. 35 % Calcium NMT 0. 12 % Sand & Silica NMT 4 %