When having questions on Millberry copper wire scrap 99,99, 20 000 mt to South Korea, please send your inquury!
We urgently require quotation for supply of 20,000MT/month for 12 months of Millberry scrap copper wire (99.99%).
Delivery will be ex-works, or CIF Busan Port, S Korea
Payment Method: Cash up to 40% (after buyer team inspect and test materials, and SGS assurance).
A trial consignment of no more than 5,000MT is required, which will determine whether the monthly 20,000MT supply contract will be awarded
Timescale: immediate
Please quote in USD, or provide the conversion index with which to convert pricing from Euro to USD
Supplier will be required to complete and return a KYC due diligence and key information capture form (please see attached)
Supplier may be required to offer a performance bond, depending on supply capacity and reliability
If pricing and conditions are agreed (price, quantity, payment method, video PoP, trial quantity) and we are ready to deploy buyer team for inspection, we will submit a NCNDA for signature by supplier.
if inspection and SGS are positive, we will issue ICPO and make first payment, triggering logistics chain that will culminate in arrival of goods in Busan, and final payment.