We have Molybdenum concentrate from Erdenet Mining Corporation. The quantity of Concentrate to be delivered shall be 950 WMT. Long- term contract with 3 years. 1th year 350 WMT 2nd year 300 WMT 3th year 300 WMT. Molybdenum concentrate produced by the Erdenet mine in Mongolia with following typical assays:
Mo 48- 52% , Cu Up to 3% , Fe 2- 3% , Se 90- 100g/ MT, Te 3g / MT, As 0. 01- 0. 02% , Bi 0. 002- 0. 003%
Zn 0. 01- 0. 03, Pb 0. 02- 0. 03% , SiO2 Not more 3% , P not more 0. 03, Re 350- 450g/ MT, S 32- 35%
Moisture & oil Up to 10% , Oil Up to 3% . The concentrate shall be delivered DAF (Inco terms 2000 or any amendments there to) on rail cars Mongolian/ Chinese border (Erlian) .
The concentrates are to be delivered in non- returnable big- bags of 2. 5- 3 metric tons each.
The purchase price for the Concentrate shall be the equivalent of the sum of payment for Molybdenum contained in the Concentrate at the average of the monthly Dealer Oxide quotation published in magazine Platts Metals Week during the quotation period less deductions of US$ per pound of molybdenum contained in the concentrate.
If you are SERIUOS, pls reply your email. I will send more INFORMATION!