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Offer Description - New Stainless Turning Grade
Place of Origin: Sweden
Designed for turning austenitic and ferritic- austenitic stainless steels, Supergrade TP400 inserts f
Designed for turning austenitic and ferritic- austenitic stainless steels, Supergrade TP400 inserts feature a newly developed, tough substrate and wear- resistant, multi- layer coating. The combined properties of substrate and coating are said to provide good resistance to both plastic deformation and edge chipping.
The inserts are available in three different chipbreaker geometries, the M5, MF3, and MF1. The M5 is a new geometry that provides high edge strength with low cutting forces at high feedrates.
MF3 is an open chipbreaker geometry that results in low cutting forces in interrupted cutting at depths from 0. 080- to 0. 015- in. and feedrates of 0. 080 to 0. 015 ipr. MF1 features a curved main cutting edge and positive cutting rake angle that result in low cutting forces and good chip flow. It is said to provide excellent surface finishes.