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nickel briquette

Here you can find up-to-date information regarding nickel briquettes. Nickel briquettes are a compact, solid form of processed nickel metal designed for ease of storage, handling and transportation. They are produced by compacting nickel pellets or nickel powder into briquette shapes under very high pressure.

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Nickel briquettes are produced by nickel mining/processing companies globally. Major suppliers are located in Canada, Australia, New Caledonia, and other nickel mining regions. Pricing & Trading: Nickel briquette prices are derived from LME nickel prices but also factor in premiums based on brand, nickel content, and physical specs. Pricing is typically quoted in $/metric ton. Trade involves standard lot sizes like 20 metric tons with pricing settled against future LME month. Physical delivery is possible at approved LME warehouses globally.

Questions and answers on nickel briquette

Where is nickel briquette used?

Nickel briquettes are used in various industrial applications, including the production of stainless steel, nickel alloys, batteries, and other electronic devices. They are also utilized in the aerospace, automotive, and chemical industries.

What countries buy nickel briquette?

Several countries are significant buyers of nickel briquettes, including: China, Japan, South Korea, United States, Germany, Taiwan, Belgium, India, Netherlands, Turkey. These countries often use nickel briquettes in various industries, such as stainless steel production, electronics manufacturing, and automotive production.

How is nickel briquette produced?

Nickel briquettes are typically produced through a process known as briquetting, where nickel powder or fines are compacted under high pressure into dense, uniform shapes. This process may involve mixing the nickel powder with binders or additives to improve the briquette's strength and handling properties. Once formed, the briquettes are often cured or dried to remove moisture before being packaged and shipped for use in various applications.

Comodity: nickel briquette

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