When having questions on Nickel wire 99,89%, 0.025mm, 4,559,076 m, please send your inquury!
Quantity- 4,559,076 meters of Nickel WIRE
Purity value- 99.89%.
physical dimensions -0.025mm (0.001in) dia, hard, 99.89% (Metal basis).
The current market value of the 4,559,076 meters (20,015 grams on 180 bobbins 44.12 pounds) is €469,584,828 (4,559,076 x €103). the seller is offering the nickel wire at a discounted price of €300,000,000.
Buyers should submit Letter of Interest. Upon approval of the Letter of Interest, the seller will respond with a Full Corporate Offer (F.C.O). The corporate offer will be in effect for three days after receipt by buyer. Failure to execute the F.C.O within the three day period will render the F.C.O, null and void.