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Offers of micron nickel wire of special purity EXW

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105 USD
Country: Turkey
City: Istanbul

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Offer Description - Offers of micron nickel wire of special purity EXW

Our company which is registered in ISTANBUL(TURKEY) for more than five years has been succesfully specializing in the market of micron wire of special purity.

Nowadays company is one of the largest players in the Russian Federation, specializing in the production and implementation of a micron nickel wire Ni28 99.99% throughout the basis metal(metlas basis), micron gold Au79 99.95%(metals basis) silver Ag47 micron and 99.99%(metals basis).

Regarding micron nickel wire diameter of 25 microns dkrnt 0,025 kt NP1, under the terms of delivery EXW estimated price will be;

*Ni28 99.99% (metals basis) price:105$ per meter

*Ni28 99.98% (metals basis) price:85$ per meter

*Ni28 99.97% (metals basis) price:65$ per meter

after payment of 5 % of the contract value, within 15 working days from the date of transfer of funds, we prepare documents and goods for shipment to the
delivery address. After preparing the goods for export, the buyer pays the remaining 95% of the value of the goods.

The product is accompanied by a package of documentation in Russian and English

- Certificate of the chamber of commerse of the Russian Federation

- Certificate of chemical composition(NPK-3 GIREDMET,MOSCOW)

- Test report(CPD-3 GIREDMET,MOSCOW)

- Invoice waybill

All our products are sealed with numbered seals of the manufacturer-Ni28 and seals of scientific and production complex of quality and analytics.


We are ready for an open discussion of potential issues that may arise in the course of our cooperation.

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