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Request for zinc concentrate (ore) 40% min 2,000 mtpm CIF

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Country: Kazakhstan
City: Almaty

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note_add 30/03/2019
update 30/03/2019
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Offer Description - Request for zinc concentrate (ore) 40% min 2,000 mtpm CIF

Our company is based in Kazakhstan.
We are looking for a reliable supplier/miner for long term co-operation for supply of sulfate zinc concentrate (ore). Minimum content of zinc is 40% (detailed requirements will be sent on request).
In case if you have the required product please provide product quality certificate (such as from SGS, etc), your monthly supply capacity.

l. Sulfite zinc concentrate or zinc ore
Requirements on chemical composition: Zn> 50yo, Pb < 2Vq Cl < 2Yo,Fe < 7oh, S a 30%.
2. Required quantity: 2000 - 10000 metric tons per month,
3. Final destination is the Republic of Uzbekistan. Almalyk mine processing plant.
4. Delivery basis -- CIF Bandar-Abbas port, Iran or CiF Novorossiysk Sea Port, Russia.
5. Payment terms -LlC.
6, lnsurance - on Seller's account
7. S(iS inspection - on Buyer's account.
Please provide price quotation for CIF Bandar-Abbas port, Iran and CIF Novorossiysk Sea
Port, Russia delivery terms.
We also request you to provide a certiflcate of origin for the product.

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