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Zinc Ore

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Zinc stands third in the world among all metals by tonnage produced. Zinc is being used in a range of industries, starting from metal to rubber and medicine. About 75 percent of zinc is being used in the metal industry mainly for galvanized metal. It is used as a coating for iron and steel to protect them from corrosion. The remaining 25 percent is consumed as zinc compounds by different industries, namely rubber, chemical, and agricultural. For the last decade, the consumption of zinc grew quite steadily, reaching over 13.7 million metric tons. The total zinc ore production in the world was roughly equal to the total demand over this period. Global zinc demand in 2020 is estimated to be approximately around 14 million tons. The main supply of zinc ore is coming from such countries as China, Peru, and Australia. Right now, a metric ton of 40-56% zinc ore approximately costs from $400 to $1000, depending on the supplier with a minimum order of 25-1000 tons. Most suppliers support TT (telegraphic transfer) and LC (letter of credit) payments. Usually zinc ore ships in 50 kg polypropylene bags.

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