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Copper Ore Sellers

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Sell Copper Ore
750 USD
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Copper Ore Sales

Copper is one of the most important metals for the modern industrial economy. The biggest copper mining countries are Chile and Peru which heavily invest in mining productivity. And this productivity has to rise to meet the growing demand for industrial economies such as China and India. However, the complexity of copper mining keeps increasing. On top of that, measures taken against the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in reducing the production at 51 mining projects. The potential output losses of that are about 3% of the production capacity of 2019. Mining companies report a decline in investments in new projects. All these factors result in copper mining to be approximately 2.2% lower than was expected previously for the next five years and of course, this reflects on the price of copper ore which as of today looks like this: a 15 - 30% copper ore usually cost $250 - $450 per ton, while a 35% copper ore goes for $450 - $600 per ton. Due to the cargo properties, it’s shipped by the sea in containers and then from port to the buyer by train or truck depending on the order amount.

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