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Offer Description - Sell Steel Billet
We offer steel billets in very special price which is as follow:
- co mm odity: Prime hot rolled ste
We offer steel billets in very special price which is as follow: - co mm odity: Prime hot rolled steel billets. - quality: St 5spg0st 380- 94. - size & length: 150x150 11. 7m - origin: Russia. - inspection: Sgs at load port sellers expense. - quantity: 25, 000mt+/ - 5% . - price: USD 425/ mt- c & f. - delivery: C & f- anzali port- caspian sea. - payment: Irrevocable, transferable, l/ c by first class bank for 45 days. - shipments: Partial shipment during 45 days after l/ c. - pbg: 2% . - validity: Subject to unsold and final confirmation Looking forward to your feed- back as soon as possible. __________________________