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Offer Description - Selling Steam Coal
Place of Origin: Indonesia
Steam Coal
We confirm that we are ready, willing and able to supply the following co mm odity as per specification and in the quantity and for the price as specified in the terms and conditions as stated below. This representation is made with full corporate authority and responsibility GCV 5500 - 5300 5500 - 5300 Parameter Specification Rejec tionTotal moisture (ARB) 36% 38% lnherent Moisture (ADB) 12 - 16 % Ash Content ( ADB) 8% Volatile Matter ( ADB) 36 - 42 % Fixed Carbon (ADB) By DifferenceTotal Sulphur ( ADB) 1% MAXGross Calorific Value (ADB) 5500 KcaL/ kg < 5300HGI >55Size 0- 50 mm >90% AFT 1150 <1100Price : USD xx. 00/ MT NET FOBT ANCHORAGE PORT, SOUTH EAST KALIMANTANLoading : 8, 000 MTPWWD SHINC TERM. Quantity Offered : 50, 000 MT of Indonesian Steam Coal ADB 5500 - 5300 5500 - 5300 kca/ kg typical monthly Laycan : 2 x 50, 000M T for March Shipments (or 30 40 days after issuance of L/ C) FURTHER SPECIFICATION GCV 6300 - 6100 6300 - 6100 TEST PARAMETERSTYPICALREJECTIONISO
Total Moisture A. R. B17 % >19 % ISO589
Inherent MoistureA. D. B12 % - ISO1171
Ash Content A. D. B10 % >12 % ISO11722
Volatile Matter A. D. B40 % approx- ISO 562
Fixed Carbon A. D. BBy diffBy diff
Total Sulphur A. D. B0. 6 - 0. 8 % >1 % ASTM D- 4239
H. G. I40 - 45- ASTM D 409
Gross Calorie Value A. D. B6300Kcal/ kg ADB < 6100 Kcal/ kg