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Offer Description - STEEL BILLET of Russia CIF AWSP 380USD/MT
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PROCEDURE (Unalterable) 1. a. Buyer issues ICPO+BCL. b. Seller issues FCO / Buyer accepts FCO2. Both companies verifies authenticity of each others corporate license, banking Detail and/ or passport as identification3. Sellers bank issues notarized attestation confirming availability of product to be exported to buyer and that seller is owner or holder of title of ownership of the co mm odity. 4. Buyers bank confirms availability of fund amount ready for purchase with full responsibility that they will swift MT103+ RDLC to Sellers Bank i mm ediately after POP/ bill of lading is verified and certified. 5. IMFPA to be signed by Seller / Full Power Mandate and be endorsed by buyer and seller. 6. Seller sends Contract to be evaluated and signed by buyer and Seller. 7. Seller transfer title of Ownership and transaction passport to buyer. 8. Seller and buyer open joint credit platform to finance un- insured cost of expediting the merchandise. 9. Sellers bank swift 2% PG to buyers bank. 10. Buyers Bank swifts MT103+RDLC to Sellers Bank. 11. Sellers Bank swift POP/ bill of lading to buyer's Bank Full delivery co mm ence as schedule in terms with contract condition. Origin: RUSSIANPrice: CIF AWSP 380 USD/ MTMinimum number: 4, 000MT: 380- 88Delivery date: 30- 40 dayCONTRACT: Spot or 12 monthDELIVERY: CIF, ASWP.
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