When having questions on Steel Billets for sell, please send your inquury!
Dear Buyers,
We can supply you Steel billets from the world renowned producer company based in Saudi Arabia. monthly max supply capacity is 300,000 MT.
Before contact, buyer must be ready with the below procedure:
1. Buyer to send LOI to our Company. LOI must be from the End-Buyer. If it is sending
from the Buyer’s Mandate company, make sure that you have received already the
LOI from the original End-Buyer and it is in your hand already.
2. We will countersign the LOI and will return a soft copy to the Buyer or Buyer’s
Mandate by the next working day of its receipt.
3. Mandate’s company’s facilitation charges will be secured by us safely.
4. We will issue FCO against Buyer’s LOI within 2 (two) working days of the LOI receipt.
5. Buyer has to return a soft copy of the FCO with signed and stamped after necessary
corrections within 3 (three) working days of its receipt.
6. Once we received the approved, signed and stamped FCO, then,
7. Sales & Purchase Agreement (SPA) will be issued by End-Seller within 3 (three)
working days of the receipt of the accepted FCO.
8. Once we received the accepted, signed and stamped SPA from Buyer, then immediate
next working day the Commercial Invoice and Bank details will be issued.
9. Buyer has to accept, sign, stamp and return a soft copy of Commercial Invoice (CI) to
us by the next working day of its issuance date.
10. Buyer has to submit the SPA & CI and Seller Bank details into Buyer’s Bank immediate
the next day of it’s receipt.
11. Sales & Purchase Agreement (SPA) & Commercial Invoice (CI) will have the validity of
only 14 days from it’s issuance date.
12. Buyer’s Bank has to send LC MT705 Swift as a pre-advice to Seller’s Bank within 3
(three) working days of its receipt of Commercial Invoice and to provide the
REFERENCE NUMBER of the same to us in order to follow up with seller bank its
receipt at the Seller’s Bank.
13. Within 3 (three) working days from the issuance date of Commercial Invoice, LC
MT705 Pre-advice must be received at Seller’s Bank from Buyer’s Bank.
14. Once received MT705 SWIFT at Seller Bank, then Seller will provide the POP to the
Buyer as video on Buyer’s Name or allow to visits the yard for two representatives.
15. Then within next 7 (seven) days the MT700 LC must be opened by the Buyer.
16. Seller will provide Performance Bond in between 10% and 20% against LC MT700
We trust this “TERMS & CONDITIONS” world meet your approval and look forward to your favorable reply.