When having questions on VII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS "MACHINARY, TECHNOLOGY, MATERIALS", please send your inquury!
26. - 28.05.2010
The Seventh International Congress "MACHINERY, TECHNOLOGY, MATERIALS'10" will be carried out together with the Exhibition of Mechanical Engineering MachTech'10 in Inter Expo Center Sofia. Together and collaborating these two events will form the industrial forum "MACHINERY, TECHNOLGY, MATERIALS- innovations for the industry". We hope that in this way the Congress will become a bigger innovation mediator between scientific research and industry. The program of the Congress offers you different ways to present the results of your research in front of you colleagues and the representatives of the industry. We invite you to take advantage of these opportunities. Beside the international congress MTM'10 and MachTech'10 the Industrial Forum includes:
We invite you to take part (personally or by correspondence) in the Congress MTM'10 with publishing of your papers or messages on innovative technical solutions for the industry. You are welcome to participate either in the common stand "SCIENTIFIC INNOVATIONS FOR THE INDUSTRY" which is organized by us.