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zamak 5

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Country: Egypt
City: Giza

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note_add 05/08/2010
update 05/08/2010
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Offer Description - zamak 5

zinc alloy "zamak 5" turkish origin according to the European origin EN1774 for the egyption market and international markets

zinc alloy "zamak 5" turkish origin according to the european origin EN1774 for the egyption market and international markets


Al% : 3. 8- 4. 2%

Mg% : 0. 035- 0. 06%

Cu% : 0. 7- 1. 1%

Fe% : 0. 02% max

Pb% : 0. 003% max

Sn% : 0. 001% max

Ni% 0. 001% max

Cd% : 0. 003% max

Zamak 5 properties PropertyMetric valueEnglish value

Mechanical properties

Ultimate tensile strength331 MPa (270 MPa aged) 48, 000 psi (39, 000 psi aged)

Yield strength (0. 2% offset) 295 MPa43, 000 psi

Impact strength52 J (56 J aged) 38 ft- lbf (41 ft- lbf aged)

Elongation at Fmax2%

Elongation at fracture3. 6% (13% aged)

Shear strength262 MPa38, 000 psi

Compressive yield strength600 MPa87, 000 psi

Fatigue strength (reverse bending 5x108 cycles) 57 MPa8, 300 psi

Hardness114 Brinell

Modulus of elasticity96 GPa14, 000, 000 psi

Physical properties

Solidification range (melting range) 380386 ?C716727 ?F

Density6. 7 kg/ dm30. 24 lb/ in3

Coefficient of thermal expansion27. 4 ?m/ m- ?C15. 2 ?in/ in- ?F

Thermal conductivity109 W/ mK756 BTU- in/ hr- ft2- ?F

Electrical resistivity6. 54 ??- cm at 20 ?C2. 57 ??- in at 68 ?F

Latent heat (heat of fusion) 110 J/ g4. 7x10- 5 BTU/ lb

Specific heat capacity419 J/ kg- ?C0. 100 BTU/ lb- ?F

Coefficient of friction0. 08
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