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Country: United States
City: Sheboygan

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note_add 10/09/2009
update 10/09/2009
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Classic Coatings has developed a strong network of custom fabricating job shops through working relationships. By co mm unicating

Classic Coatings has developed a strong network of custom fabricating job shops through working relationships. By co mm unicating daily, this network allows us to offer the most competitive pricing along with unmatched service and quality. Classic Coatings can maximize your dollar by utilizing the existing transportation and locating the best suited equipment without paying for high overhead. Abilities We are able to run parts ranging from small aluminum brackets to large steel weldments. Quantities of a few pieces to runs in the thousands are not a problem. We are able to fabricate metal ranging in thickness from . 006" to over 3" thick. Our experienced staff can assemble your parts so that your assembly is complete when you receive it from us. CNC Operated With the use of automated CNC machining processes, we are able to manufacture parts which have an improved consistency and quality. The following processes utilize CNC technology: Laser

Punch Press



Water Jet

Metal Finishes Our metal finishes are Powder Coated Tough?. This protective finish is a mixture of finely ground particles of pigment and resin, which is sprayed onto your product surface. The electrically charged powder adheres to the grounded part surfaces. The part is then heated in an oven which fuses the powder coating into a smooth, durable, high- quality finish. Powder Coating

Chrome Conversion

Lubricity Coatings

Ceramic Coating

Iron Phosphate Parts Washing

Sand Blasting

Custom Packaging
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