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Lead Ore


Lead Ore Price

Lead is one of the first metals that people began to use actively. This happened approximately 6500 BC. Since then, the use of lead in human activities has increased significantly.

The Earth’s crust contains 1.6:10 3% by mass. Lead of its own is rare, and the range of rocks in which it is found is wide, ranging from sediments to ultra-deep intrusive rocks. In nature, lead is usually bound to the associated metals - silver, zinc, etc.

Proven lead reserves exist in many countries of the world. According to the United States Geological Survey, Australia currently has the largest metal reserves, at 36 million tons. In the Russian Federation the reserves of lead are 9.2 million tons. . In the Russian Federation the reserves are 9.2 million tons. The total world reserves available for mining are currently estimated at 89 million tons. However, it is estimated that the total reserves of the United States of America are estimated to be 89 million tons.

Each year, more than 4 million tons of lead are mined in ores with a market value of more than 6 billion tons of lead. However, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization has not been able to produce enough lead to produce more than 4 million tons of lead annually. and the world market for advanced lead stands of approximately US$15 billion.

While lead has high economic value, it is relatively economical to produce. As with other metals, there are two main production routes.

Production from recovered lead ore is, of course, the primary source of all lead, but secondary production, where the metal is recovered from recycled products or from wastes from the manufacturing process, is of great importance.