Perforated metals contain hole patterns of varying sizes and shapes created by punching presses. Shape of hole: round, slotted hole, square, triangle, scale hole, hexagons, ectHole arrangement: Round Perforations: Staggered (60 degree pattern) is standard. Variations include 45 degree staggered, and straight line pattern.
Square Perforations: Staggered or straight line pattern. Slotted Perforations: Side staggered, end staggered, or straight lines. Slotted perforations will be round end slots; specify if square end slots are required.
Other Perforations: Available upon request.
Margins: The long sides of the sheet will be supplied with minimum margins. The short sides of the sheet will have either minimum margins
or no margins. Dia. of hole: 0. 08 mm - 100 mm Thickness of sheet: 0. 1 mm - 2. 5 mm Please refer to the below form of staggered plain steel perforated metal specification.
Plain Steel Perforated Metal
Hole DiameterStaggered CentersSheet ThicknessOpen Area
0. 045"1. 14 mm 0. 066?0. 033- 0. 039"0. 84- 0. 99 mm 37. 00%
1/ 16"1. 59 mm 3/ 32"0. 027- 0. 033"0. 68- 0. 84 mm 41. 00%
1/ 16"1. 59 mm 1/ 8"0. 027- 0. 066"0. 68- 1. 68 mm 23. 00%
5/ 64"1. 98 mm 1/ 8"0. 027- 0. 053"0. 68- 1. 35 mm 35. 00%
0. 081"2. 06 mm 1/ 8"0. 053- 0. 066"1. 35- 1. 68 mm 38. 00%
3/ 32"2. 38 mm 5/ 32"0. 053- 0. 066"1. 35- 1. 68 mm 33. 00%
1/ 8"3. 17 mm 3/ 16"0. 027- 0. 127"0. 68- 3. 23 mm 40. 00%
5/ 32"3. 97 mm 3/ 16"0. 027- 0. 066"0. 68- 1. 68 mm 63. 00%
3/ 16"4. 76 mm ?"0. 027- 0. 127"0. 68- 3. 23 mm 50. 00%
1/ 4"6. 35 mm 3/ 8"0. 033- 0. 111", 0. 25"0. 84- 2. 82 mm , 6. 35 mm 40. 00%
3/ 8"9. 52 mm ?"0. 053- 0. 082", 3/ 16"1. 35- 2. 08 mm , 4. 76 mm 51. 00%
3/ 8"9. 52 mm 9/ 16"0. 059", 0. 119"1. 50 mm , 3. 02 mm 40. 00%
1/ 2"12. 70 mm 11/ 16"0. 033- 0. 127", 3/ 16"0. 84- 3. 23 mm , 4. 76 mm 48. 00%
1/ 4" Hex6. 35 mm Hex0. 2850. 027- 0. 0330. 68- 0. 84 mm 76. 00%
3/ 8" Sq. 9. 52 mm Sq. Cane?0. 053- 0. 066"1. 35- 1. 68 mm 51. 00%